Order of the arrow
The Order of the Arrow, or OA, is the BSA’s National Honor Society. To learn more about the Order of the Arrow national organization, click here. Each Council in the BSA operates an OA Lodge that is youth-run—we are Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Lodge #40. To learn about the history of the lodge, click here for a brief overview. For a more in-depth exploration, check out the OA Lodge 40 History Book, for sale on the OA online Trading Post, at camp, and at the NEIC council office.
Weeks one, three, and five at Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan always end with our closing campfire and Order of the Arrow Callout Ceremony. During this ceremony, Scouts and adults who have been elected to join the Order of the Arrow officially begin their OA journey. If Scouts are already Ordeal members of the OA and wish to obtain their Brotherhood honor, they can do so at camp.
[Under Construction]
To make your unit’s OA experience as meaningful and hassle-free as possible, there are few steps you should follow during the week of a fire.
Monday Night Meeting
An OA adult leader information meeting will be held the first Monday of weeks one, three, and five in each camp’s respective office. Each troop must send at least one representative to these meetings whether or not you have any Scouts or adults being called out. These meetings allow the assistant honors masters and honors master to gather participant information and arrival details as well as cover more procedures during the week and for each campfire. Questions will also be answered and a weekend schedule will be handed out.
Before the end of the week, please make sure that all Ordeal and Brotherhood candidates in your troop have a valid BSA medical form on file with the camp and that OA Induction Fees are paid for. Click here for the Ceremony Fee Form. OA Induction Fees & Annual Dues can be paid at the Welcome Center during camp, or at the NEIC office before camp.
Friday Callout Ceremony
At a time indicated earlier in the day (accounting for sunset), East and West Camp will line up single-file at their respective dining halls and walk to the ceremony in silent reflection.
Parents and visitors who are not registered BSA leaders are lined up separately from troops. Please line up at the Country Store (for West Camp Guests) or the parking lot near the East Camp Dining Hall (for East Camp guests) where our guides will direct you to sit in the visitor section.
Anyone who needs assistance getting to the Callout fire should contact the East or West Camp Offices or the Welcome Center to arrange transport. We ask that you arrange this by noon on Friday so that our staff can plan accordingly.
Completing your Ordeal
Scouts who have been called out will be notified of future opportunities to complete their Ordeal, usually a fall conclave to be held at one of our other council camps.
Our OA fires are a special celebration and impressive production. Please help us conduct the ceremony by adhering to a few simple rules:
No flash photography at any time- it ruins the eyesight of our staff.
Units will be seated together with their leaders; family members and visitors are asked to sit separately.
Please do not enter the bowl before you are directed to do so by a staff member.
If you are already involved in OA Lodge 40 or need more information about elections, lodge and chapter meetings, dues, or the Lodge Executive Committee, you can join the OA Channel on the NEIC HUB and visit the OA Resource page.