Giving back to MSR

Our supportive family of MSR alumni & friends is what keeps the magic alive long past the summertime.

Do you want to help out and give back to Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation? Are you able to come up to camp this summer or help in other ways?

You can support our mission with time, treasures, talent, or just plain ol’ kind words and cheerleading from the stands.

There is also a larger MSR family out there who are just as passionate as you! Get plugged in to the Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Alumni Association (MAA) through the button below, or if you also enjoy physically improving facilities and want to leave a lasting legacy through service projects, check out the Wilderness Engineering Society (WES). There is a way for everyone to support the camp we love!

We appreciate your support! Thank you for all you do to keep Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan around for generations to come.

“Blue lake and rocky shores…”