Program Schedule

Below is our 2025 Program Schedule in two different views.

Program Fees and Prerequisites are in this document!

The Basics

Last year we finally created one program schedule for the whole Reservation, and this year it’s back with some tweaks thanks to your feedback!

Feedback received also encouraged us to do the unthinkable: make the schedule available even sooner! No need to wait and wait and wait. Once you sign up for camp you can go right ahead and choose your merit badges! The online enrollment system for our 2025 program offerings opened at High Noon on February 1st*.

*Scouts must have at least half of their camp registration paid before registering for merit badges.

As we create more helpful tools and resources, we will post those here (check out our helpful planning worksheet below that you can give to your Scouts!).


Trailblazer focuses on the requirements that Scouts need for Tenderfoot through First Class. The program is designed so that Scouts can have either the morning or the afternoon to focus on their fundamental skills, but still sign up for Merit Badges during the other part of the day. Trailblazer will be operating identically in East Camp and West Camp this year.

Trailblazer Program description and schedule. Reach out to & if you have any questions.

Merit Badge & Program Information

At Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, we strive to make sure each Scout has the opportunity to learn the material presented during each badge’s instructional time, so the number of Scouts in each badge changes depending on the format of instruction, amount of available equipment, and content presented. Some programs may have material or additional fees beyond your Scout’s fee to attend camp, like activity kits, ammunition, hungry half-ton equines, or field trips. Many of our additional fee programs include supplies that your Scouts get to keep, such as our craft kits.

Our 2025 Program fees are noted in this document. (last revised 2/1/2025)

This is a helpful worksheet to get Scouts thinking about how they want to spend their week at camp! (Last revised 4/4/2024)

Older Scout Programs (for the Scouts who have ‘done everything’* at MSR)

The Coureur des Bois program is an adventure based activity for Scouts that have “done it all at Scout Camp.” Each week, the Scouts that participate will determine their own activities and schedule during camp. This is a weeklong program. Examples of our previous opportunities are presented on the Coureur des Bois page

The Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Conservation Corps (formerly our Trail Boss program) is a skill-learning based program operated through our Scoutcraft areas and supported by our maintenance staff. Conservation projects are utilized as the method for learning project planning, implementation, and on-the-job skills, all while helping to improve the camp we all love dearly. This program is designed for Scouts and leaders alike who want to dive into the world of conservation, have an interest in learning about conserving our natural resources, or even what professional opportunities are out there in the field. Check out our 2023 flyer here!

*We have yet to have any Scout prove they have actually ‘done everything’ we offer, and encourage you to not speak in hyperbole unless it is true.