Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Below are many frequently asked questions that we have received over the past few years. The questions are sorted by the most appropriate section. If you don’t see a question you are looking for, please send it in using the form at the bottom of the page.
General Questions
General Questions
Where is Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation located?
Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation is located at W6500 Spring Lake Road, Pearson, WI 54462-8133.
What programs are offered?
Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation is made up of three subcamps: East Camp, West Camp, and Wabaningo.
Both East Camp and West Camp are made up of 12 unique program areas which you can learn more about here.
We also have a fully equipped High Adventure base in Wabaningo which runs programs in camp as well as throughout the Northwoods of Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Click here to learn more about our High Adventure Programs.
Cub Scouts are also invited to join us in East Camp during the 2nd week of summer camp for our Family Adventure Camp (formerly called Akela Camp). This 4-Day, 3-Night experience gives your Wolves, Bears, and Webelos I and Webelos II the opportunity to gain a sense of independence, have fun in the great outdoors, and even earn advancements. Go to our Cub Scouts page for more details.
What Merit Badges are offered?
To find out exactly which badges are offered for the current year and to view the Merit Badge schedule, check out our Merit Badge program page!
What if I have a dietary need?
Any participants with special dietary needs (Kosher, vegetarian, Halal, Gluten-sensitive/free, etc.) must complete the Special Diet Request Form at least 2-3 weeks before your arrival date, so the Kandle Dining Staff has time to prepare for your week’s meals. If you are a Unit Leader, please forward this link to everyone in your Unit who may be attending. This form is monitored and maintained by Kandle Dining, not MSR.
Where can I find contact information?
Contact information can be found on our Contact Us page. Contact the Reservation and Camp Directors, and High Adventure Staff with any program or campground related questions. Contact our Council Program Assistant with all registration and payment questions. Any Dietary questions should be directed to Kandle Dining’s Registered Dietician.
Is the camp handicap accessible?
Yes! Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation does offer handicap accessible facilities in West Camp and our Accessible site, “Bridger” campsite, is located nearby the West Camper Showerhouse. Bridger has a graded gravel surface with 14 tent platforms that are level with the gravel surface. There is a wheelchair accessible path connecting the campsite directly to showerhouse which has 4 ADA compliant full bathrooms.
If you need the Accessible campsite please let us know before registering.
What is your guest/visitor policy?
Guests are always welcome to Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation! When guests first arrive at the camp, they must check in at the Welcome Center to receive a guest wristband and parking permit, purchase meal tickets, and more. For our complete visitor policy, please visit our Guest Camping page!
Can I bring my firearm to camp to use at the shooting range?
No. Personal firearms, ammunition, crossbows, bows and arrows are not permitted. Do not bring any of these items to camp for any purpose. In addition, units/individuals are not allowed to bring ammunition to camp, even for use on the appropriate shooting range.
Are pets allowed on property?
No pets are allowed on camp property, other than those maintained by year-round personnel or seasonal staff who have been given authorization by the Reservation Director. This includes Wabaningo, which is used by units and family members who are visiting units at camp. Service animals are allowed and we kindly ask that you inform our staff ahead of time so we can appropriately accommodate them.
Please inform any parents or visiting guests that pets are prohibited, no matter the length of time.
Types of Animals Permitted in Camp
Any person entering onto Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation with a disability requiring an assistance animal (guide dogs or other assistance animals) shall be permitted to have such animals in his or her possession in areas of the Reservation designated by the Reservation Director and in compliance with the equal access provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and applicable Wisconsin Law.
Adults may have animals in the public areas of the Reservation (merit badge sites or assembly areas only) to demonstrate animal skills or handling as authorized by the Reservation Director and conformance to applicable law.
Animals may be kept in cages at the Ecology Conservation site, but only as authorized by the Reservation Director, and then only for recognized educational purposes and conformance with applicable law.
Use, possession, and the control of horses is authorized only in use with our Triangle M Ranch program.
Adults and youth are permitted to take fish from Lake Killian per applicable laws in Wisconsin.
No adult or youth may capture or possess any wild animal on the Reservation, other than fish from Lake Killian in conformance with Wisconsin Law.
What are the registration costs/fees and deadlines?
Go to the Camp Planning Guides page for the current fees and deadlines for MSR Summer Camp and High Adventure Treks. The 2025 planning guides are being prepared and will be available soon.
EARLIER UNIT DEADLINES: Units collecting payments from their families should have deadlines that are more than two weeks earlier than those of our council deadlines. DO NOT wait for those who miss your deadline to pay the NEIC (or to pay online) and risk putting everyone at the “regular” rate.
11:59 PM: When registering and paying online by the deadline date
4:00 PM: When you choose the “mail-in” option (mail, walk-in, or NEIC Unit Scout Store Account) while registering online, payments mailed or brought to (made at) the council office or NEIC Unit Account authorization emails must be processed at the Scout store/Front Desk and applied online by Debi NO LATER THAN 4:00 PM on the deadline date. NOTE: Debi cannot process the payments, and the Scout Store/Front Desk employees cannot apply them online. Both need time to finalize their part of the job.
When are the Leader’s Meetings?
VIRTUAL MUG CLUBS: 2025 Virtual Mug Club Dates will be announced soon. We will email each date’s link and topic to your Unit's MSR Camp Contact and Leader. These meetings give adults from your troop or crew an opportunity to learn details about our summer camp program and council/camp policies, with a time for Q & A at the end. Each date will also contain a link to submit questions for the upcoming meeting and suggestions for future meetings.
How do I register my Unit for Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation?
PARENTS: If your Scout is attending Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan with her/his Troop or Crew, contact your Unit’s “Camp Contact” (summer camp coordinator) for registration instructions and deadlines.
We’ve gone green! Instead of completing a paper form to begin the process, from now through October 31 (11:59 PM), Units can complete a Unit Commitment Registration that asks the same questions as in the past. Starting November 1, participant names will be required to complete the online registration. Go to the Scouts BSA page for more details and the East and West Camp links.
Note: Girl Troops that camp with their corresponding Boy Troops must also register online, so we have their Scoutmaster and Camp Contact’s information and their merit badge records are accurate. Contact Sam Dummer and Debi Geiger if your Boy and Girl Troops are going to merge in 2025 as part of the new pilot program.
What is Provisional Camp?
What if Scouts cannot attend Traditional Camp the same week as their troop or want to stay an additional week on their own? Can they?
Yes! If your youth can't make it to camp for the merit badge program the same week as his or her unit, we recommend attending Provisional Camp (this can also be a great opportunity to spend a second or third week at camp). Your Scout can either make arrangements to attend with another Troop or Crew, or we can help find one to Host them. This program is for Youth only, not adults. No exceptions.
How to Register your Scout as a Provisional Camper:
Contact Debi Geiger. Please provide the Scout’s information: Troop Number and Designation (male or female), Camp preference (East or West), and Week preference (please provide an alternate week if possible).
Once your scout’s week and host troop have been confirmed, Debi will email you registration instructions.
What information is required to register?
REGISTRATION CONTACT: You must add all required information (red lettering) to the Registration Contact tab before the system will allow you to add Participant information.
If you upload a unit roster online (must be a CSV file), the data listed below should auto-fill within the registration when you choose each name. NOTE: If you misspell a person’s name, it cannot be corrected until you update your roster and upload it again. You can also contact Debi to delete the misspelled name then reenter it manually with the correct spelling.
PARTICIPANTS: Youth Data Needed: First Name, Last Name, Birth Date, Gender, Scout Rank, Parent or Guardians’ Email Address (Optional). Provisional Scouts must also provide their Unit Information and Unit Leader’s Information (name, phone, email). Adult Data Needed: First Name, Last Name, Gender. Email addresses are optional.
What payment options do you accept?
PAYMENT OPTIONS: Credit Card (available until registration closes, and afterward to make late payments), e-Check (removed 10 days before your week at camp), Mail-in Payment Option (removed 15 days before your week at camp). To avoid processing fees, choose the Mail-in Payment Option (looks like an envelope) when checking out (at least 15 days before your week at camp). NEIC Units who want to use their Scout Store Account should choose the Mail-in Payment Option.
What is your cancellation and refund policy?
Refund Policy for Program Activities
The purpose of the refund structure is to help support the purchase of materials for events in a timely manner and to protect the event against a sudden loss of participation when said material, such as food, has been purchased.
Additionally, the number of Staff Members hired to support the program directly correlates to the number of paid-in-full participant registrations we receive. Your timely payments control our ability to offer impactful leadership development opportunities for Scouts.
Payments will only be reimbursed following these guidelines if a request is made in writing:
A full refund will be given if the registration is canceled within 7 days of initially completing the participant's registration.
IMPORTANT: Deposited amounts become cancellation fees for participants who cancel their registration. No refunds will be issued if the participant does not attend camp, as the Northeast Illinois Council encourages transferring the fees to another participant in the unit.
50% refunds will be considered if the request is made within 14 days after the final day of your week at camp if a medically valid request is made in writing to the Reservation Director and includes a physician's note when appropriate.
How can I manage my online registration?
UPDATING A REGISTRATION: If/when you have more Youth or adults to register, you will add them to the same registration. DO NOT begin another one. Save the registration confirmation email for easy access! Or, write down your confirmation number so you can look up the registration through the MSR summer camp event page: Click on the “gear” icon on the top of the event page, then on “Lookup Registration” to find one you already started. Type in your email address and registration number, then click on “View Registration”. Click on “Forgot Registration Number” if you can’t find it and the system will show you all registrations associated with your email address.
CONFIRMATION EMAILS: If you complete the registration correctly, you will receive a confirmation email with your “Registration Number”. If you don’t get a confirmation email, check your Junk/Spam file because your email provider’s security settings may have placed it there. Just add Black Pug/247 Scouting to your “safe list” and you shouldn’t have to check your junk file in the future. If you still don’t see it, contact Debi to see if your registration is still “in progress” (not completed).